Microsoft Skills

The Importance of Microsoft Skills!
The skills of knowing how to work the Microsoft apps are very important especially if you are in school! The skills that I will demonstrate in the links below are some of the skills that I have obtained during CSCI1100! Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are all tools to help better understand a subject or to help someone else better understand the information being presented. For us college students these are lifelines that we use on a daily basis even if it's just to take notes or to copy and paste a picture to see it better. All in all, these apps are a must to learn to use for not only students but also those in any business!
Showing off My Microsoft Skills?
Click below to view my snazzy form of a research paper and final for Jazz!!
Critical Analysis
In this reflection I am looking back on my years of using this Microsoft technology. However, when I mean years I quite literally only mean two or three. In high school I dint think that I used Microsoft apps ever. I was a 100% Google docs girl. In college at ETSU that all changed. Honestly it was even some of a culture shock to me and the "easy" CSCI1010(last year's CSci class I did not do so well in...) assignments I would take hours to complete. Then id complain to my friends and get scolded that it was easy. So, to say the least I did not have much time spent with Microsoft until recently.
With that being said, let's get into what I've struggles with beside the concept. Word is not too different from what I remember Google Docs to be so that wasn't a struggle more of a strong suit. Excel, I thought would be the death of me. Thankfully this course explained excel in a better way than the last class. Now I am more confident in clicking on anything than I was before. I cannot say that I am pro, maybe not even a step down from that but I know how to do the basics! PowerPoint was also similar to Google Slides, so the struggles were slim compared to Excel. Overall Microsoft through me for a loop but, I recovered and now know more than I ever did previously, and my confidence was raised dramatically.
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